What is right minding?

Some time ago, while I was on the path of becoming an Agape Licensed Spiritual Practitioner, I told my own practitioner in a counseling session that  I was feeling in the middle of two worlds - the old constricted world of how I used to behave and think, and a new world of freedom and awareness based on the spiritual principles I had been studying and making part of my life.  As I described the old habits that still sometimes cropped up, she asked me a simple but powerful question:  "Who is it that's doing those things?"  In a flash of full insight I realized that the person who still sometimes acted in the old ways was no longer me, no longer who I thought of as me.  My center of gravity had shifted, and where I used to think that lack and limitation were part of my nature, I now located the seat of my Self in a wider and wilder place, from which anything was possible and nothing ruled me but the Spirit emerging as me. 

I became excited about rehabilitating the sense of self as a focus for my work with others.  I saw how the identity I had grown into had effortlessly eliminated stubborn old habits without applying will power.  Simply, I was no longer the person who needed to do those things.  I was instead attracted to other behaviors and ways of thinking that were in line with who I now knew myself to be.

When someone is behaving crazily, we say they are not in their right mind.   The return to sanity, then, might be called "right minding."  It is also about minding - noticing, appreciating, focusing on - the right things, because whatever we focus on, grows in our awareness. Right minding is all those things:  a return to sanity, a return to a truer definition of self, and the "blissipline" of focusing on what empowers us and helps us grow.


Agape International Spiritual Center


Authentic Happiness


Choosing Prosperity


Joel Goldsmith


Radical Forgiveness


World Prayers


Rikka Zimmerman
